1. Introduction
This is the Privacy Policy of the Church Recording Society (“CRS”) whose principal office is at 2 Hilbury Close, Chesham Bois, Amersham HP6 5LB. The address of CRS’s Data Protection Officer is CRS Data Protection Officer, The Bungalow, Lower Gunville, Milborne Port, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 5AP Privacy@churchrecordingsociety.org.uk. This is the address for any questions about CRS’s privacy policy or how it uses personal information.
2. What data does CRS collect and hold about Members and Associate Members?
a. Personal information supplied on the membership application form or supplied to us subsequently by the member, or with the member’s permission.
b. This data includes, where it applies, name, address, email address, telephone number/s, Church Recording Group and position in the Group, specialisation, positions in CRS held, The Arts Society membership, subscription and other payments, expenses claimed, bank account details for these and Church Recording insurance status.
c. In the case of corporate membership, the details of the organisation and the principal contacts.
d. Where Gift Aid applies, CRS will hold the member’s details required by HMRC.
3. What data does CRS collect and hold about other people and organisations?
a. That which the person or organisation gives to CRS in relation to CRS’s activities.
b. When an enquiry is received by CRS, the enquirer’s name, contact details, the nature of the enquiry and the response.
c. Lists of organisations and people which the work of CRS might interest or in whose work CRS might be interested, their publicly available contact details and brief details of the interest.
d. The names, contact details and specialisations of expert advisers who have agreed to have their data included in CRS’s directory of expert advisers.
4. The CRS website
a. Cookies are used on CRS’s website to record viewing and use and, during the session, to facilitate use of the website. Analytical data is kept to measure how users interact with the website. When CRS’s website is visited, information from the visitor may be collected automatically through cookies or similar technology.
b. Cookies are used to improve the visitor’s experience, for example by enabling CRS to understand how the visitor uses the website and enabling the visitor to be kept signed in,
c. Functional cookies can recognise previous visits and preferences,
d. The data kept is anonymous unless the user leaves details on the website, for example on a ‘help’ or ‘enquiry’ facility,
e. Personal data collected by cookies is not shared with third parties.
f. If you want to delete cookies follow the instructions at https://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser’s-Cookies.
g. If you wish to disable your browser from receiving cookies follow the instructions at https://www.wikihow.com/Disable-Cookies. Note that if you set your browser to disable cookies, you may not be able to access certain parts of our website and other parts of our website may not work properly.
h. You can find more information about cookies at third-party information sites, such as https://www.kaspersky.com/resource-center/definitions/cookies
5. How will CRS use data?
A Member’s data will be used for:
a. the registers of members,
b. members’ mailing lists for use by CRS and its officers on CRS or Church Recording Group business,
c. a directory of Groups and Recorder Members for use in Church Recording. This directory does not include data of a Friend, Associate or Corporate Member,
d. for accounting and tax purposes,
e. for training purposes,
f. for databases and contact lists of CRS officers,
g. for databases and contact lists of Church Recording advisers and support providers,
h. in attendance lists
The data of other people and organisations will be used for:
a. mailing lists and contact details for use by CRS, its officers and Church Recording Groups on CRS or Church Recording Group business,
b. The data of expert advisers will be used for lists of experts and their contact details, accessible only by Registered Church Recorders and CRS officers,
c. To respond to enquiries,
d. To provide information about CRS, Church Recording and forthcoming events,
e. To explore mutual interests and to maintain relationships,
f. To seek support for the Church Recording project.
6. Limit on use of personal data
CRS does not supply personal data to any other organisation or individual without the permission of the person or persons concerned. CRS does not share information with advertisers and does not have advertising on the website.
7. How do we store personal data?
a. Data is stored on secure Google Drive and Membermojo websites to which only authorised personnel and the Charity Trustees have access. It is password protected,
b. Some data may be extracted temporarily for practical use. It will be password protected and deleted after use,
c. Except when a longer period is necessary for tax, legal or compliance reasons,
i. data will be deleted 6 months after a member ceases to be a member,
ii. within 14 days if a person requests deletion or unsubscribes.
8. Your data protection rights
a. By giving CRS notice, to stop CRS contacting you (unless CRS must for legal reasons),
b. To request copies of your personal data held by CRS.
c. To request correction of your personal data or completion of incomplete data,
d. To request that CRS restricts processing of your data,
e. To object to CRS processing your data under certain conditions,
To exercise these rights, contact CRS’s Data Protection Officer.
9. Linked websites
CRS’s website contains links to other websites. Its Privacy Policy applies only to the CRS website. If you access another website, that website’s Privacy Policy applies and you should read it.
10. Changes to this Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy is regularly reviewed. It was last updated on 1st December 2020. Updates are posted on the CRS Privacy Policy webpage.
11. How to contact CRS
The contact for Privacy Policy matters is the CRS Data Protection Officer The Bungalow, Lower Gunville, Milborne Port, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 5AP Privacy@churchrecordingsociety.org.uk.
12. Complaints
Should you wish to pursue a complaint or a matter you feel CRS has not addressed properly, you may contact the Information Commissioner’s Office: